
Delivering societal impact through
innovative research

Be part of a vibrant, fast-growing research environment.

Join our Additive Manufacturing research programme, incorporating the award-winning PrintCity facility, and help us to deliver change nationally and globally.

Read on to learn more about our exciting research programme or contact us directly today.

For an informal discussion about Additive Manufacturing research at Manchester Metropolitan, please contact Professor Carl Diver.

The technology transcends traditional subject boundaries and is a key enabler in the drive towards net zero.

Professor Carl Diver

Our research

Join our Additive Manufacturing team in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, where research in low-carbon fuels, electrochemistry, and additive manufacturing underpinned a successful submission to the Engineering unit of assessment in REF 2021.

The results revealed that almost 90% of our research output was rated world leading or internationally excellent, and we ranked sixth overall for research impact.

A talented team and a state-of-the-art facility currently drive our ground-breaking research in additive manufacturing, which has led to the creation of the PrintCity Network Programme.

PrintCity has already supported 150 SMEs within the Greater Manchester region to adopt additive manufacturing, exploring solutions for innovative manufacturing and new product design.

More recently, we led a coalition of universities and industrial partners to establish the multi-million pound Centre for Digital Innovation within Innovate UK’s national Innovation Accelerator programme.

Our success is the result of a supportive, inclusive, and diverse environment where product designers, material scientists, engineers, microbiologists, and chemists work across disciplines to create new knowledge that significantly impacts society.


Our research strength is also rooted in collaboration with teams from other university departments and international consortia.

We seek out and support academics to develop impactful research projects using our equipment and expertise. Sustainability is at the core of our research, as seen in some of our latest projects.

  • Transform-CE: A €7m Interreg North-West Europe-funded project focused on recycling waste plastic to use as feedstock for 3D printing and injection moulding. More than 310 tonnes of plastic have already been diverted from landfill.
  • CIRMAP: A €7m Interreg North-West Europe-funded project focused on the use of Recycled Fine Aggregates (RFA) in concrete printing instead of virgin sand. RFA sourced from Greater Manchester demolition waste was used to design street furniture for public spaces in four European countries.
  • AMFaces: Through a £7m Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) programme grant, a consortium of leading additive manufacturing academics from across the UK are developing advanced techniques for facial prostheses with real-life colour appearance.
  • Metamaterials NetworkPlus: A £2.3m EPSRC programme that promotes the research and use of metamaterials in manufacturing and products, resulting in advanced functionality and properties.

To apply for a research position through our recruitment centre, please apply below and submit a comprehensive curriculum vitae (CV) complete with covering letter.

Hear from our

Professor Image

There are minimal barriers to cross-disciplinary working here, making it incredibly easy to collaborate with colleagues across different faculties.

Professor Dominic Medway

Hear from our

Professor Image

There’s so much happening in the city. And go twenty minutes in any direction and you’re in the most stunning countryside. That’s special.

Professor Sara Ryan

Hear from our

Professor Image

This is a ‘can-do’ place for academics. We choose people who bring new thinking 
and new ways of working to help solve grand challenges.

Professor Tim Cable