Art, Design
and Fashion

Join one of the UK’s leading centres
for arts-based research

Be part of a vibrant, fast-growing research environment.

Play a leading role in a school internationally renowned for its applied and practice-based research approach to art, design and fashion.

Read on to learn more about our exciting research programme or contact us directly today.

For an informal discussion about Art, Design and Fashion research at Manchester Metropolitan, please contact Professor Martyn Evans.

Our reputation is built on inclusive and impactful research that engages with critical issues of our time and makes a positive contribution to culture, society and the economy.

Professor Martyn Evans

Our research

Working at Manchester School of Art, you’ll join a global leader in art, design and fashion research with almost 200 years of history behind it.

In REF 2021, we ranked second for the power of our research in Art and Design, with 100% of our research environment and impact rated as world leading or internationally excellent.

Our focus is to deliver impactful arts-based research through applied creativity. We’re invested in using creativity towards sustainable development to build a safer, more prosperous, and ethical world. As a result, we seek candidates who can positively impact both people and the planet.

The scale and diversity of our disciplinary expertise is what makes us unique. We are able to co-create initiatives that deliver social, cultural, and economic benefits through interdisciplinarity and applied creativity in response to global cultural and societal challenges.

The work of our researchers and professional practitioners is embedded in national and international creative and cultural landscapes where they challenge norms, set agendas, and shape future research narratives towards real-world impact.


We’re a global player in art, design and fashion research, as shown in our latest projects:

  • Robotics Living Lab: Led by Professor Susan Postlethwaite, the £3.8m lab received AHRC CResCa funding with support from the Manufacturing Technology Centre. Our vision is to support a micro-scale, digitised fashion industry where fashion researchers, designers, and manufacturers collaborate on robot technologies and digitally controlled fabrication for high-value, low-volume production as part of a reshoring and levelling up agenda.
  • The Bunker Talks: Started by Professor Michael Pinchbeck, the Bunker Talks explore geopolitical, ecological, or economic concerns. They create space for critical encounters, presentations, provocation, and dialogue. Since 2020, over 125 talks have been hosted by members of the Art & Performance Research Hub.
  • Performance: Our internationally recognised theatre-makers, performers, directors, dramaturgs, choreographers, curators, and scholars develop practices and build dynamic structures that bring performance artists, researchers, and the creative sector into productive dialogue with one another – in Manchester and globally.

Hear from our

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There are minimal barriers to cross-disciplinary working here, making it incredibly easy to collaborate with colleagues across different faculties.

Professor Dominic Medway

Hear from our

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The technology transcends traditional subject boundaries and is a key enabler in the drive towards net zero.

Professor Carl Diver

Hear from our

Professor Image

Every day we are creating real sustainability solutions for the future. It is exciting to see our work, which may have started in the lab, making real impact out in the world.

Professor Bamidele Adebisi